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Birdwatching Weekend at Audubon State Park

Birdwatching Weekend at Audubon State Park

February 15

Birdwatching Weekend at Audubon State Park

February 15

A Birdwatching Weekend at John James Audubon State Park scheduled forSaturday, Feb. 15th, includes activities throughout the day for anyone interested in learning about our fine feathered friends. All ages/birding skill levels are welcome! These activities will take place at the Audubon Museum:

Audubon Park Feeder Counts for GBBC–9-10 A.M., and again 11-12:15 P.M.–Assist with counting birdfeeder guests. Our numbers will be submitted to the Great Backyard Bird Count citizen science project. FREE

What’s that Bird? Tips on Identifying Your Backyard Guests–10 A.M.–Attend this quick seminar to get you on the road to identifying the birds around you. Our naturalist will share bird ID tips. FREE

Feathered Friends Around Us Birding Hike—12:30-1:30 P.M.—Walk the wooded trails with our naturalist to listen and watch for birds in their habitat. This guided hike will cover about 1-mile and will focus on bird identification. Meets on the Museum front lawn. FREE

Crafting for the Birds—1:45-2:45 P.M.—This drop-in workshop includes crafting adorable little seed-covered birdhouses to hang on a tree or shrub branch in your yard, giving an extra nutritional boost to the winter diet of your foraging yard birds. Suitable for all ages. $5 per craft

Flying into Citizen Science: Ways to Make Birdwatching Count–3 P.M.–Learn of various ways you, your family, and friends can make birdwatching not only enjoyable, but meaningful! Our naturalist will discuss how you can get involved in bird-related citizen science projects.

Questions? Contact Lisa Hoffman at 502-782-9727 or email to:[email protected].


John James Audubon State Park
3100 US Highway 41 N
Henderson, KY 42420 United States
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